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const carousel = gallery.find('.product-gallery__carousel .owl-carousel'); image .owlCarousel({items: 1, dots: false, rtl: isRTL()}) .on('changed.owl.carousel', syncPosition); carousel .on('initialized.owl.carousel', function () { carousel.find('.product-gallery__carousel-item').eq(0).addClass('product-gallery__carousel-item--active'); }) .owlCarousel($.extend({}, options, layoutOptions[layout])); carousel.on('click', '.owl-item', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); image.data('owl.carousel').to($(this).index(), 300, true); }); gallery.find('.product-gallery__zoom').on('click', function() { openPhotoSwipe(image.find('.owl-item.active').index()); }); image.on('click', '.owl-item a', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); openPhotoSwipe($(this).closest('.owl-item').index()); }); function getIndexDependOnDir(index) { // we need to invert index id direction === 'rtl' because photoswipe do not support rtl if (isRTL()) { return image.find('.owl-item img').length - 1 - index; } return index; 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